Participating Faculty


Konrad Kuijken

Dark matter in galaxies and the universe, gravitational lensing, wide-field imaging surveys

Ana Achúcarro

Theoretical models of cosmic inflation (in particular from supergravity or string theory) and their effect on the statistics of primordial perturbations. 

Phase transitions in the early Universe. Cosmic strings, monopoles and other relics.  

Alexey Boyarsky

Theoretical work on the nature of DM and the physics of the early Universe.

Analysis of observational data to find signatures of the early Universe and learn about possible extension of the Standard Model of particle physics.

Marijn Franx

Galaxy evolution. Massive galaxies as probes of galaxy formation.

Henk Hoekstra

Weak gravitational lensing. Galaxy clusters.

Simon Portegies Zwart

Galactic dynamics. Numerical simulation of N-body systems.

Koenraad Schalm

Observational signals of string theory/quantum gravity scale physics in the CMB. Origins of inflation in string theory and supergravity.

Time dependent string theory and cosmology.

Joop Schaye

Galaxy formation, reionization, intergalactic medium.

Alessandra Silvestri

Large-scale structure, modified gravity, dark energy.